> Who Am I ?

> I'm Justin, some random french guy who likes doing things with HTML/CSS/Three.js. I don't have any particular goal or any projects, I just want to continue messing around with my skills and creations :)

> What can I do ?

I can :

  • Create basic banners and logo with tools such as sketchbook
  • Create very basic rust cli apps
  • Speak naturaly French and English and do traductions for both languages
  • Create webpages with HTML/CSS
  • [Still learning] Create basic shapes with Three.js
  • And many others ! As I'm still learning and passing most of my time on the web I learn new things every day and as time passes by, my skills slowly but surely increases

> My Socials

  • Discord : sachamontecarlo#0815
  • Email : smontecarlo@protonmail.com
  • Telegram

My projects